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Decolonisation means engaging with colonisation at every level. The world's history of colonisation is not just a phase in time. It’s legacy, tangible and intangible, carries on over generations. It shapes cultures it first disrupted and cultures it left behind. Decolonisation means challenging all that we take as ‘normal’ in the world post colonialism. As body wise practitioners, we believe that colonisation doesn’t just stop at cultures, it affects our bodies, our mental and physical being. It impacts how we relate to our bodies, its processes and its wellbeing.
This session will be offered through a worldwide practice called InterPlay. InterPlay is an active, creative way to unlock the wisdom of our bodies. This wisdom is indigenous. It makes our bodies resilient. InterPlay is based in a series of incremental “forms” that lead participants to movement and stories, silence and song, ease and amusement. In the process, we discover the wisdom in ourselves and our communities, helping us reclaim our birthright practices of movement, sounds and stillness.
This session is part of a bigger event called Truth and Reconcilliation Weekend
About the Facilitators: Sukhmani Kohli and Vibhuti Aggarwal
Sukhmani uses theatre, clowning, body wisdom practices and my skills as an empathetic facilitator to assist others in releasing shame and practice self acceptance. She believes art and body wise practices like interplay are powerful entry points for moving through conflict and connecting with your own sense of magic, moving from scarceness to abundance. She works with children, young adults, working professionals, communities and organisations. She runs Purple Mangoes, a company of facilitators who call themselves experience builders, gleaners and artists. She is also the co-founder of India Youth Jam, week long gatherings of young change-makers and community leaders that focus on personal, interpersonal and systemic transformation.
Vibhuti is a self taught, self explored artist. She loves to learn new skills and express herself creatively. Yoga and knitting are her latest obsessions. She experienced Interplay through Sukhmani while learning Clowning and participated in Arts and Social Change for Millennial Leaders in 2018. She works and facilitates with Youth Alliance, an organization aimed to nurture inner awareness, leadership and service in youth. She has been using Interplay in her work for over two years now and continues to bring the connection of our minds to our bodies to all the youth she works with.
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