Online Clown PLayshop
led by Sukhmani Kohli
6 sessions
3rd, 4th, 5th June and 10th, 11th, 12th June 2022
6pm to 8pm on zoom!
Clownversity's Online Clown Playshop allows your mad magical creativity to shine!
Your Inner Clown is that active and spontaneous, yet vulnerable and mind-full part of you that gives your most authentic self the license to show up and be, without any fears and judgements. It opens up your creativity and helps you flow through possibilities.
Who is the Clown Course for?
This workshop is open to anyone above the age of 16- for all misfits and those who fit or anyone who finds themselves in or outside the box. If you feel that magical space in your head is waiting to explode and show up in the world, this is for you :)
No prior Clowning or theater experience required.
What will happen in the Clown Course?
Playing, moving, expressing, improvising stories, slowing down and just breathing, playing with sounds and props.
You do as much as you can or as much as your body wants but the invitation always is to step outside your comfort zone.
Clowning is a powerful tool to become more self aware and to learn to accept ourselves for who we are. We also see the world from a different point of view- that of empathy and humour. The red nose of the clown is the smallest mask that unmasks.
Workshop fees
The cost of the workshop is a sliding scale between ₹3500-6000 Or $55-$100. This means that you can pay any amount within this range based on your unique financial situation. If you can, pay more. That will help us accommodate more people who can't pay full price. Click here to pay and register.
for scholarships or queries email, +919650118376
Read more about our work with clowning here
Here's what past participants Say
"I joined the course with zero expectations and it turned out to be one of the most memorable experiences for me. Life had become very mundane due to lockdown, but the various activities and exploring the clown within ourselves was stupendously cathartic. I felt I have found a space where I can just be myself and this course has given me the ability to shed the weight of all thoughts, duties and seriousness of daily life and just be happy!"
Manmeet Singh, 26, Business Analyst
"It was fun, insightful and very enjoyable to let go of our everyday masks, inhibitions and roles to "play" and meet the inner clown. It is such an essential, forgotten part of each of us.
I recommend this workshop to help you reconnect with it. Such an enjoyable way of self discovery!"
Rohini Singh, Facilitator-Healer-Trainer
"It was a great experience attending this workshop. Most of the times in the workshop, I came face to face with my problems, fears, inhibitions and I think this workshop was healing and worked as a medicine for me."
Naresh S. Adhikari (Actor, Theater Artist)